Girl Power! x UBER

Growing up, I had some awesome female role models. My mom, teachers, professors, friends and un-problematic celebrities instilled in me not only the idea that women can do anything, but also how to live with positivity and kindness in a way that leads to success. I try to be the best role model I can myself - young girls interested in photography always tell me that I inspire them on the daily, and that warms my heart! I've talked about this countless times, but the way women are STILL marginalized in so many industries can be super unfair and discouraging, especially for girls trying to get their foot in the door. The world could use more positive female icons right now, and lifting up the women in your community is the first step to making that change.

As someone who uses Uber multiple times a day, I'm stoked to know about the internal initiatives, such as Women of Uber and UberHUE, they have instituted to help bolster the careers of underrepresented voices within the company. Their advocacy for the advancement of women and people of color is cool, because the values behind it align with my own and shows me that they also care about people like me. Inclusivity and empowerment is something we should all strive for. 


This post was made in partnership with Uber.
